"Resilience is the inner strength, that certain something that enables some people to thrive through hardship that would destroy others. Resilience isn’t a “some have it, some don’t quality. It’s a skill. Within each person there is a capacity for resilience - the ability to turn loss into gain. To be strengthened by and even transformed by adversity. The effects of combat stress and trauma can chip away at this. You are in a slump that feels never ending. Resilience is the ability to deal well with stress, adversity and trauma. It is a skill that can be developed if worked at. It will not erase or change your problems. But instead give you the ability to find something positive that will sustain you and help you in the future.This was written by a 29-year-old whose spinal cord injury 2 years ago left him without the use of his limbs and torso. He was providing encouragement for a 19-year-old who recently became similarly paralyzed.
Resilience does not mean that you deny or forget what has happened. It does not mean you wall off your feelings and just “tough it out.” It means that you are open to reaching out to others and growing in new ways. It ignites your drive to recover and enables you to thrive in the midst of agony and hardship. Resilience can be your personal roadmap that inspires you to keep going."
I feel a little bad lifting these comments and reposting them out of context, maybe not bad enough to let it stop me. Some people say things so well.
"A newly hatched sea turtle's first swim is the most critical of its life. Having run the gauntlet of air and land predators to make it to the sea, the tiny voyager must also evade hungry fish patrolling the beaches in its bid for freedom. (Credit: iStockphoto/Alan Tobey)"
Beautiful picture and words. I am currently 'reading' the survivors guide, which is actually on CD in the car and its quite enlightening, if a bit irritating in places, and time and again, resilience and survival is all in the mind, choosing to feel 'lucky' and choosing to survive.
I particularly like the second paragraph. "Resilience does not mean that your deny or forget what has happened." This is particularly useful to hear for me right now. Thank you Bix.
I liked that too, Autumn. There were lots of good parts. Another part I liked, kind of what Jenny said, was that resilience is a skill ... you can learn it. You may not have as much as you would like today, but you can have more tomorrow.
My ex (that you hear me speak of) was military and he has this exact resilience you posted about. I've always admired him for it. He had his weak moments (don't we all?) but he always found that thing to "keep going". Maybe that's why we were so good together. I finally found someone who's matched with strength as much as my own (if I don't say so myself).
Anyways, I think finding that 'something' is important and very personal to each of us.
I'm glad you posted this! ;) peace
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