While I was snapping, this young deer stepped out from the bushes directly behind the birds. You can just make out his emerging antlers. He high-tailed it a second later. I love his curiosity.

Thank you to everyone for reading and commenting and emailing and sharing your own stories and curiosities. I've learned so much from you all. I have so much more to learn.
Thank you, for keeping up the blog, Bix. It seems I found it just yesterday, and yet forever ago. It's been a fun journey of evolving thoughts and ideas. I hope you keep it up for a long, long time.
So beautiful! Can I copy one of these pics? With the reference to your blog, of course :)
Looks like maybe a white-throated sparrow? http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/White-throated_Sparrow/id
Go right ahead, Ezer.
That's it! A white-throated sparrow! That's the bird. I was hoping it would be some, you know, arcane saffron-streaked sapsucker or something. But I don't care. It's such a neat bird. And very aggressive. These two fought incessantly over a grain of millet.
Bix, Happy Thanksgiving. The deer picture is precious. I am thankful for your blog. Keep up the good writing. Have a healthy, happy holiday season.
thank you.
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