I shouldn't show them because everybody and his brother will find something to criticize ... the wheat, the grain, the carbs, the, I don't know, decadence? Oh, well.
This is what my sprouted wheat-and-barley bread looks like. The ingredients are sprouted wheat, sprouted barley, and salt. That's all. No flour, yeast, dairy, eggs, sweeteners ... nothing. It's squat because I bake it free-form instead of in a pan; I think it cooks more evenly. It's really moist and sweet, caramelly or malty, and addictive! I put slices in a baggie and take them with me.

Peanut butter and jelly makes it decadent. Doesn't it. It does. Raspberry jelly.

No criticisms here. That looks quite tasty.
Oh my, that looks delicious. Would you mind parting with the recipie?
Let's try again....recipe.
Recipe? That would be great. None of the sandwich parts (or the whole) is decadent! Though I agree that raspberry jam is indeed the jam that angels eat.
I'm thinking fig preserves. Especially for the forthcoming darker bread.
I'll work on the recipe today! It's such a feely process, each loaf is different. I love the freedom of it though.
Ooohhhh... Fig preserves. I love figs! You have a sophisticated palate, shaun.
That looks really good and really healthy. I'm a little later on this conversation that we did you get the seeds to sprout it? When you give the recipe, give the whole thing including the sprouting time - all that you did.
That's supposed to be, where did you get the seeds to sprout it?
I bought my wheat and barley at a local health food store. But you can get it online too. Here's one place:
I promise I'll try to be as detailed as possible.
Here's the recipe:
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