Pecans Acutely Increase Plasma Postprandial Antioxidant Capacity and Catechins and Decrease LDL Oxidation in Humans, The Journal of Nutrition, January, 2011
The nut in question in this study was the pecan. Eating 3 ounces (about 57 halves, which I think is a lot):
- Caused blood levels of a type of vitamin E (gamma-tocopherol) to double (after 8 hours).
- Decreased oxidation of LDL in blood by up to 33% (after 3 hours).
"Our study shows these antioxidants are indeed absorbed in the body and provide a protective effect against diseases."
So just to make sure I'm hearing you straight: You think we should eat lots of pecan pie. Because all those pecans are good for us. :)
shaun, you had a reply to your comment. They sent this:
3 oz is a LOT. Oh, nuts!
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