Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Update 2 on Melamine, More Food Sources

It's now in poultry that has been distributed:

"At least 2.5 million broiler chickens from an Indiana producer were fed pet-food scraps contaminated with the chemical melamine and subsequently sold for human consumption, federal health officials reported Tuesday."
- FDA Says Chickens' Food Had Melamine
And ...
"At this time, the investigation indicates that approximately 30 broiler poultry farms and eight breeder poultry farms in Indiana received contaminated feed in early February and fed it to poultry within days of receiving it. All of the broilers believed to have been fed contaminated product have since been processed. ... FDA and USDA anticipate that as the investigation continues additional farms will likely be identified that received contaminated feed."
- Joint Update: FDA/USDA Trace Adulterated Animal Feed to Poultry
And now, it's not just meat:
"The FDA says it has collected 750 samples of wheat gluten and products made with wheat gluten and found that 330 -- about 44 percent -- tested positive for melamine or melamine-related compounds."
- Mix Of Chemicals May Be Key To Pet-Food Deaths
Photo from an absolutely beautiful cooking site, Check out his recipe for Chicken Tandoori.

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