Thursday, November 03, 2005

"People Trust That Organic Label"

I didn't support his presidential bid, but this speech he gave to the US House of Representatives on Monday gets me pumped up.

Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) is a Representative from the Cleveland area. Here are some excerpts from his speech:
"Section 79 [of the 2006 Agriculture Appropriations Bill] undermines the organic food industry by changing the definition of organic food without a congressional hearing, without agreement by the National Organic Standards Board, and without consumer consent.

All across America when people go shopping, there are millions of Americans who are looking for the organic label. Why? Because it is considered to be a label that is indicative of greater integrity in food, food which is not likely to be poisoned with pesticides, food which is carefully grown by organic farmers, food which is healthier. People trust that organic label.

But Americans should know that this bill has changed the organic food law and that big food companies have prodded Congress to change the organic food law and that this would allow the use of several synthetic ingredients in organic products and potentially weaken the organic dairy standards."
You can read his entire speech here:
Congressman Dennis Kucinich Speaks out Against Sneak Attack on Organic Standards

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