Here are opinions I've collected so far:
Yes. Eating is personal. It's my business:
- Al Gore (Former Vice President) in answer to: Have you become vegetarian? "No, I have not. ... I don't plan to. I respect those who do. But it's a personal choice and will remain so."
- Jonathan Safran Foer (Author "Eating Animals"): "My decision not to eat animals is necessary for me, but it is also limited -- and personal."
- Nicolette Niman (Manages Niman's livestock ranch): "I feel I can personally make a choice to refrain from consuming meat for my own individual reasons."
- James McWilliams (Author "Just Food"): "It's hard to avoid concluding that eating cannot be personal. What I eat influences you. What you eat influences me."
- Bruce Friedrich (PETA): "The influence our eating choices have on others [is important]. ... The public aspects of eating are critical."
- Wendell Berry (Writer): "Eating is an agricultural act."
- Michael Pollan (Author "Omnivore's Dilemma"): "Eating is a political act."
- Alice Waters (Restaurateur): "Eating is a political act."
Results of poll:
Is eating personal?