Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Deer Eats Bird

Odd. I didn't think deer ate animals.



caulfieldkid said...

"Whitetail deer have been known to opportunistically feed on nesting songbirds, field mice, and birds trapped in Mist nets."

I thought I knew a decent amount about deer. I guess there is always something else to learn.


Bix said...

There was quite a bit of chewing going on. I wonder if deer get indigestion.

Laurie Endicott Thomas said...

Not surprising. Along the shores of Lake Michigan, whitetail deer eat the dead alewives that litter the beach.

caulfieldkid said...

I don't know how true this is, but after the video I'm not inclined to doubt:


Bix said...

That's something. Their memory, and their sense of ... retribution?

celarae said...

Retribution? The mother bird is trying to protect her young. Wouldn't you do the same if it were your baby? The only thing I find odd here is that the person taking the video finds it ok to let something like this happen, to record it, and then to post it. This is my first visit to this site. And the last.

Bix said...

The retribution was about the deer and the swan from shaun's link:

Angela and Melinda said...

Wow, who knew? This is so surprising.

Angela and Melinda said...

@Celarae--I don't think the video-tapers expected the deer to eat the bird--they probably just thought it was a case of species curiosity. The woman commentator was pretty freaked out, at least imo. And the eating part happened rather too quickly to intervene. Though I'm a vegetarian who finds watching animals eat other animals, that *is* just the way of nature.

Angela and Melinda said...

I meant "who finds watching animals eat other animals *unpleasant*"!!!!!