Monday, June 04, 2012

Soda Tax Vs. Soda Ban, Is One More Fair?

Regarding New York City Mayor Bloomberg's proposal to ban sugary drinks over 16 ounces, former Coca-Cola executive Hank Cardello said:
"Bans are an unfair as they treat everyone the same with a 'one-size-fits-all approach.'"
- Bloomberg Defends Soda Ban Plan: We're Not Taking Away Your Freedoms, MSNBC, June 1, 2012
Soda taxes affect the poor disproportionately.1 Soda bans affect everyone. I wonder if this is contributing to the apparent stronger push-back against the ban.
1 Does social class predict diet quality?, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, May 2008


  1. I'm not sure what the hubbub is about. It would be great if it makes a difference, and I like it much better than a tax. But. You could always buy two or a few. . .

    Even though I should be philosophically opposed to this kind of thing (if I were consistent), if it came to my community I doubt I would even voice an opinion.


  2. It's not as if they are banning sugared soda completely. Even 16oz drinks (which will still be available) are still pretty hefty. It's hard to feel sorry for consumers who now have to limit themselves to a portion size that delivers *only* 50g of sugar.

    This is why I feel the backlash against Bloomberg's initiative is ridiculous.

    While in my heart I would prefer that consumers make their own decisions, the beverage and sugar industries are simply too powerful. The vast majority of consumers stand no real chance. I commend Bloomberg for his stand.

  3. You know Philippa, I enjoy your outspokenness.

  4. The ban is more fair because it treats everyone the same. But I don't think either of them will make much difference.

  5. I applaud Mayor Bloomberg for his efforts to something about the obesity epidemic. He is the only politician who is standing up to the powerful edible food-like stuff industry and their marketing dollars. Limiting the soda cup size may not be much but if its the best he can do at the moment I say go for it. At least it brings attention about the bad health effect of these sugary drinks.

  6. I like Mark Bittman's article about Mayor Bloomberg's action.

  7. Thanks for the Bittman link, RB.

    He says:

    "We should be encouraging people to eat real food and discouraging the consumption of non-food."

    I see two approaches ... the carrot or the stick. Taxes and bans are sticks. Improving access to fresh, organic, local, minimally processed, affordable foods is the carrot. I wish we would spend more of our resources encouraging people by way of the carrot.

  8. these beverage companies have been "stealing" water for too long and making them into sugary compounds.

    unavailability of good drinking water in the taps is a shame!

    Q: Where can I get plain drinking water that will quench the humid summer heat ?

  9. anrosh! Now there's a voice I haven't heard much from.

    Interesting point. Coca-Cola is absconding with the good water to make pop! I wonder what water they use, municipal?
