Monday, June 04, 2012

Nutrition, The Dance

"Nutrition is an extraordinarily comprehensive phenomenon, involving countless food chemicals and nutrients operating through countless but highly integrated mechanisms affecting countless physiologic and pathological outcomes."

- T. Colin Campbell, in a letter to the editors of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007, defending his hypothesis "that dietary protein in excess of ≈10% of calories is a risk factor for cancer."


  1. I can't disagree with that quote.

    10% though, wow. That's a pretty strong statement. I'm okay with that; it's just strong.


  2. Bix,
    T. Colin Campbell has lost all credibility.

  3. A plant based diet has lost all credibility? That's ridiculous.

  4. The reference was to T. Colin Campbell, not to some type of diet (and not to the particular sentence quoted).

  5. I bought the book The China study when it first came out. Recently I just found this.

  6. I bought the China Study when it first came out and forgot about it. Recently I just found this.

  7. Hi bijin,

    I read it a few years ago. The book "The China Study" is not an actual study. It's a layman's publication within which the author, Campbell, discusses his work.

    I'm familiar with this blog you linked. Its author, Minger, is not a scientist. There is another take on it, written by a PhD cancer epidemiologist, who says Minger "merely pointed out linear, non-directional, and unadjusted relationships between two factors." And that she used raw correlations to draw conclusions. Minger's blog would not pass peer-review. It's here:

  8. Bix, have you seen this?

  9. Well, I don't know these people personally. I don't know what health issues, if any, they may be dealing with.

    But I will say this ... I like when someone who endorses a particular way of eating, who does so publicly, and who profits from it, shares their personal experience. Chris Voigt, the man who ate only potatoes for 60 days, did that. Sure, it's their prerogative. I'm just saying I enjoy it.

  10. I'm for T. Colin Campbell. I don't care what anyone who won't even use their identity (Anonymous) says. And I trust Bix's scientific and analytical acumen.


    Oh my God!! What are they eating??

  12. I think it reasonable to judge T. Colin Campbell on what he says or writes. The comment he left on an forum (see quote and link below) was so extraordinary that I actually wondered if it could be someone else pretending to be him. But clicking on the name opens up his profile with Amazon's "real name" designation, so it must be him.

    Part of what he wrote:
    " Your arrogance is overwhelming, probably because you are so short on understanding the scientific literature. Read our book for more detail, now a national best seller almost 6 times over ...
    I think that you might be able to tell my drift: your arrogance and ignorance show, big time."

    He should be believed because his book is a best seller??

    Here's the link:
