Thursday, January 01, 2009

Where We Buy Our Food

And how that's wrecking havoc on our health.
"Today, twenty-one cents of every food dollar spent in the United States is spent at Wal-Mart." 1
Some experts say that could rise to fifty cents by 2010:
"Wal-Mart is project to sell 50% of the groceries in the U.S. by 2010." 2

Wal-Mart keeps its prices low by forcing its suppliers to keep their prices low. Suppliers keep their prices low by acquiring increasingly cheaper raw materials (cheap sweeteners such as HFCS, cheap meats), often from countries such as China that offer them at cut rate prices.
1 The End of Food, Paul Roberts, 2008, p. 61
2 Trends Driving Consumer Meat Preferences
Photo from Daylife. Caption: "Michael Lipsitz picks out a package of hot dogs while grocery shopping at the WalMart in Crossville, Tennessee in this March 21, 2008 file photo."

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