Saturday, January 03, 2009

Disturbing Findings In Rats Fed Genetically Modified Soy

This story is troubling: Any soy product - soybeans, soybean oil, tofu, tempeh, miso, soy nuts, soy flour, soy protein supplements, soy cheese, soy anything - that doesn't say "organic" is, if you live in the US, probably genetically modified.

To the right is a photo from one of Dr. Irina Ermakova's studies investigating the safety of genetically modified (GM) soy.1 The smaller rat on the right was fed GM soy. The rat on the left was not. The rats are the same age.

From that same presentation in 2005, she reported:
AdditionsFemales That Gave BirthBorn Rats (No.)Dead Rats (No. / %) (in 3 weeks)
Control4 (of 6)443 / 6.8%
With GM Soy4 (of 6)4525 / 55.6%
With Normal Soy3 (of 3)333 / 9%

Over half (55.6%) of the rats fed GM soy were dead in 3 weeks, compared to 9% fed regular soy. That's striking. And many that survived were, as depicted, malformed.
"The morphology and biochemical structures of rats are very similar to those of humans, and this makes the results we obtained very disturbing," said Irina Ermakova.
The presentation of this study (I can't get to the actual study) leaves many questions. I guess that follow-up studies were conducted. If this was a study investigating the safety of a new drug, would it reach clinical trial phases with preliminary data like this? Would it have been marketed? GM soy has been marketed, so I trust more studies are out there. They sure aren't accessible.

I did just post about a very recent study from Austria that supports Dr. Ermakova's finding:

Biological Effects Of Transgenic Maize NK603xMON810 Fed In Long Term Reproduction Studies In Mice

It said:
"Pup losses were higher in the GM group."
"The number of pups weaned, the average litter size and weight at weaning tended to be lower in the GM group as compared to the [non-GM] group."
Animal studies that reveal fertility issues with GM soy and GM corn, support the hypothesis that genetically modified foods can impact human fertility.
1 Genetically Modified Soy Affects Posterity: Results Of Russian Scientists’ Studies, October 2005

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