Monday, May 05, 2008

Ruby's Garden

Ruby shared these photos of her garden. (Click for larger.):
"Here are some pictures of what I have going on this year.

[Below] is my climbing rose surrounded by herbs (chives, thai basil, sage, oregano(s), and rosemary, which is trying to take over). I keep most of the herbs in pots for better drainage. We have heavy clay soil, and I've found that some of the perennial herbs don't make it through our soggy winters in the ground."
"I put the tomatoes [below] at the end of the driveway because they get hot blazing sun there all day and seem pretty happy. (Yes, that is a pink flamingo hiding in the butterfly bush!) I have a bronze fennel behind the butterfly bush, and eastern tiger swallowtail caterpillars eat the whole thing down to little nubbins. But then I'm rewarded with swarms of butterflies on the butterfly bush all summer! I have a screen porch next to this little patch, so I get to sit there and watch them. I'm also experimenting with some watermelons in this patch this year."
"[Below] shows a jalapeno pepper plant (lower right) nestled in with some perennials."
"[Below] is a strawberry pot absolutely overflowing with thyme."
Photos and text: Ruby

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