Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Lavender Blue's Garden

Lavender Blue shared these photos of her garden. (Click for larger.)
I'm salivating here.
Below: "All you see in the two boxes were planted last fall: spinach, parsley, cilantro, swiss chard, and garlic (a first for us). The plants will go to seed this season. The cilantro I will let reseed itself. The rest is in the process of being replaced. I will probably offer the parsley on freecycle."
"Here you can see a red leaf lettuce that volunteered itself there. The beam down the middle supported old windows for a cold frame over the winter."
"The two beds in the middle have been sown with beets (in the back) and greens and lettuces. The lattice is to keep the cat and chickens out until the seeds are up. The bed in the front right is waiting to have dirt added. In the back is my daughter with her pea vines and trellises."
"A portion of the garden is dedicated to perennials. In the picture are: comfrey, bronze fennel, lavender, oregano, purple cone flower, taragon, rhubarb, yarrow, chives, strawberries, jerusalem artichoke, and horseradish."

She has a few more on Photobucket.
Photos and text: Lavender Blue

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