Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pumpkin Oatmeal With Corn Grits

I just made this for breakfast. It was so good I had to immortalize it in a photo:

Maybe it doesn't look at good as it tasted. To be honest, I'm more into taste and technique than presentation. In fact, I took the photo while it was still in the pot because I knew that was the last place it would be before my mouth. Oh well.

Here's what it was. It cooks up fast:

3 tablespoons dry oatmeal, quick-cooking
3 tablespoons dry corn grits
1 to 2 cups water
2 big dollops precooked winter squash (e.g. pumpkin, kabocha, buttercup, butternut)
Dash cinnamon
Tiny pinches of nutmeg, clove, ginger
Salt to taste
Maple syrup to taste

Boil the oats and grits together on high with about 1.5 cups water. I don't measure, I err on too much and just boil the rest away. When the cereal starts to thicken, lower heat and stir until it reaches desired consistency. (If it sticks, remove from heat for a few seconds, stir, and return to heat.) Stir in the pumpkin or squash (I used buttercup squash puree that I made over the weekend), spices, salt, and maple syrup while still warm.

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