Thursday, December 05, 2013

"Don't Eat Anything With A Face" Yes Or No? Watch The Debate

Arguing for the motion (Don't eat anything with a face) were:
  • Dr. Neal Barnard - Clinical Researcher, Author, President and Founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
  • Gene Baur - President and Co-Founder of the Farm Sanctuary, Author, Vegan since 1985

Arguing against the motion were:
  • Chris Masterjohn - Nutritional Sciences Researcher, Blogger at The Daily Lipid hosted on his web site Cholesterol-And-Health.Com, and Mother Nature Obeyed hosted by the Weston A. Price Foundation.
  • Joel Salatin - Farmer, Author. His family’s farm, Polyface, was featured in Michael Pollan's "The Omnivore’s Dilemma" and the documentary Food Inc.

Don't Eat Anything With A Face from Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates

The Intelligence Squared (IQ2) debates put forward a motion, poll the audience, have the debaters argue the motion, then poll the audience again. The team which succeeds in swaying the most audience members to their position is considered the winner.

Poll prior to debate:
  • For 24%
  • Against 51%
  • Undecided 25% 

Poll after debate:
  • For 45%
  • Against 43%
  • Undecided 12% 

Dr. Neal Barnard and Gene Baur, arguing in favor of not eating animal food, changed the most minds and were declared the winner.

There's a robust comment stream on IQ2's website.
Thank you, Melinda.


  1. I saw a cauliflower that looked like Winston Churchill. Does that count?

  2. Team "For" brought up the issue of cooking, like it was a lost art. Interesting ... is cooking a lost art?

  3. Ha ha Ronald!!!! Bix, if I go by the lack of cooking knowledge among some of our farm members, I'd say it's a lost art among many younger people--but certainly it's an art that can be revived!

  4. Many of the "robust" commentors seem to feel it's all about health, and that anything having to do with the actual treatment of animals (of which we are one species) is immaterial, scientifically. Personally I think it's about so much more than health. E.g.,
