Friday, October 11, 2013

High Dietary Protein Reduces Exercise Endurance

Fauja Singh is 102 years old. At the age of 100 he set 5 world running
 records for his age group in one day. He attributes his physical fitness
 and longevity to abstaining from smoking and alcohol and
 to following a simple vegetarian diet.
Well, this is interesting:

Dietary Protein Decreases Exercise Endurance Through Rapamycin-Sensitive Suppression Of Muscle Mitochondria, American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, October 2013
"Loss of physical performance is linked not only to decreased activity in daily life but also to increased onset of cardiovascular diseases and mortality. A high-protein diet is recommended for aged individuals in order to preserve muscle mass; however, the regulation of muscle mitochondria by dietary protein has not been clarified.

We investigated the long-term effects of a high-protein diet on muscle properties, focusing especially on muscle mitochondria. Mice were fed a high-protein diet from the age of 8 wk and examined for mitochondrial properties and exercise endurance at the ages of 20 and 50 wk.

Compared with normal chow, a high-protein diet significantly decreased the amount of muscle mitochondria, mitochondrial activity, and running distance at 50 wk, although it increased muscle mass and grip power. Inhibition of TORC1-dependent signal pathways by rapamycin from 8 wk suppressed the decline in mitochondria and exercise endurance observed when mice were fed the high-protein diet in association with preserved AMPK activity.

Collectively, these findings suggest a role for dietary protein as a suppressor of muscle mitochondria and indicate that the age-associated decline in exercise endurance might be accelerated by excessive dietary protein through rapamycin-sensitive suppression of muscle mitochondria."
I wonder if this is related to the anecdotal evidence that people who remove meat and other animal food from their diets experience more energy:
Details: I hear you're vegan now.
Mike Tyson: Yeah, it's been eight months with this vegan stuff, but I get these explosions of energy. I don't know how long they last, but they're like explosions. So powerful.


  1. Sad that he had such a horrible self-image for so long.
    But I love this part of the interview:
    "Details: Is it a calmer energy?
    Mike Tyson: Oh, I don't know if I'd go that far. I don't think it's been long enough for that kind of Zen shit."!!!!!!!! Too funny! Very down to earth.

  2. Bix, you said "I wonder if this is related to the anecdotal evidence that people who remove meat and other animal food from their diets experience more energy:" Here is my experience.

    I am not vegan but I have cut down on my meat and dairy significantly over the last 3 years. I am at least 90% vegan.

    I run every day. I have seen no drop off in my performance as I reduced animal protein. In fact I think I have improved somewhat. I also have good energy levels throughout the day. I do not get the explosion of energy like Mike Tyson. I have a steady energy level.

    The other benefit that I think is more significant is that I rarely have headaches, muscle ache/pains or joint pains. I just feel better. Pain really zaps my energy levels. Being pain free just gives me more energy because I feel better. The other benefit is that I sleep better.

    I attribute this to a plant based diet being anti-inflammatory. High protein diets, especially animal based protein diets, are typical inflammatory.

  3. 90%. That sounds like quite a change, RB. Do you like the food you're eating now? Or do you tolerate it because you think it's healthy?

    That's interesting ... the relationship between pain and fatigue. I hadn't thought of that, but it's true, isn't it, how pain zaps energy.

    Speaking of pain... I may as well say it, I stopped eating all animal food over a year ago. Before that I was just eating salmon and eggs, no dairy or other meat. Last August I gave them up too. And along with them went my shoulder pain. Other pains too but I'm just bowled over how I can throw my arms around in ways I thought I'd never again. As you say, animal protein-based diets are inflammatory.

  4. A lot of people I know who say they are vegetarian eat a lot of dairy and eggs. I think they just traded their meat meal for an egg-and-cheese meal. As far as health goes, that's probably worse. Indeed, some of these egg-and-dairy vegetarians maintain high cholesterol (a condition they attribute to their genes, not their diet).

  5. Bix, I like the food I am eating now. Fresh plant based foods are so much better than the processed stuffed and animal based foods. I like my oatmeal with raisins, flax seed, chia seeds and blueberries for breakfast. I may add a little apple juice but never milk. Thinking of eggs, sausage and buttered toast for breakfast makes be ill thinking of all the fat and cholesterol it contains.

    Carrots, spinach, beans, an orange, and apple, some nuts, celery, spinach and broccoli for lunch is very satisfying with green tea to drink. It keeps me satisfied all afternoon. What's the alternative: A burger, fries and softdrink? By 2pm I would be going the candy bar or chips. That is no very appealing. I eat grapes for a snack. I will also eat a small square of dark chocolate during the day.

    For dinner their are all kinds of veggie soups, pastas, and stir fried meals.

    I will have a veggie pizza with cheese once in a while. I don't drink milk anymore. I will have a banana or other piece a fruit for a desert. I will occasionally have a few ounces of meat with dinner. I think Mark Bittman's VB6 diet is a good approach for people who just can't break the meat habit.

    Overall, I like what I am eating now. Real food is best and the most satisfying. It is even better when I think how good it makes me feel.

  6. Thanks for that, RB. I love hearing what people eat. No matter what it is. It inspires me. You eat a lot of vegetables!

    That does seem to be the case ... that once people start eating a certain way, they crave that certain way. I recall reading about the work of Dr. Leibowitz.

    Here it is...

    "Specific neurobiological systems and diet intake are functionally linked within a positive feedback loop, whereby a specific diet stimulates particular brain neurochemicals that in turn stimulate further consumption of that same diet."

    After about 2 weeks of eating a certain way, people start to crave those foods, and find foods that are not in that vein offputting. You can get used to foods that are fatty or salty, then foods that are low in fat or salt don't taste so good. Conversely, you can get used to foods that are low in fat and salt, so that foods that are fatty and salty don't taste good.

    I ate eggs and chicken and cheese all my life. Loved them. Now their sulfur-y smell makes me gag. It's so weird.
