Friday, November 30, 2012

Would You Eat Zapped Bread?

Or turkey? Or fruits and vegetables? What if it gave them a longer shelf life? Or made them safer? This article talks about using a form of microwaves:

Bread That Lasts For 60 Days Could Cut Food Waste

It's not as if wheat emerges from the back yard, gets processed and made into bread every 4 hours. In today's marketplace, food travels great distances and experiences diverse environments.

On a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is "Yes! By all means give me the microwaved food!" and 1 is "Not a snowball's chance on Mars, well okay but, would I let that food slip past my lips," this paragraph pushes me closer to 1:
"He said that bread manufacturers added lots of preservatives to try and fight mould, but then must add extra chemicals to mask the taste of the preservatives. If bakers were able to use the microwave technology, they would be able to avoid these additives."
Microwaves don't bother me as much as the ionizing forms of radiation. But I think I'd even be OK with those, for every time I slide a knife through a cantaloupe I visualize pathogenic bacteria spreading out across every cut surface so help me god.
Photo from EdTechLens.


  1. Remember doing the blue mold experiments in elementary school??!!

  2. I do. I still can't get over what a beautiful shade of blue that is. And it's like, what, spontaneously generated?

  3. "every time I slide a knife through a cantaloupe I visualize pathogenic bacteria spreading out across every cut surface"

    Hahaha, I knew I wasn't the only one!

    Before we stopped eating bread, we noticed the bread lasting longer and longer without going bad. It was scary to think of what those mad-scientists had done to make bread last on the Gulf Coast without molding for 2 weeks! It wasn't difficult quitting bread after that! Pasta was a different story though LOL

