Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Power Of Imagination

Try this:1
"Close your eyes and picture a lemon wedge, freshly cut and glistening with juice. Concentrate on making the image as clear and detailed as you can. Then visualize bringing the lemon to your lips, sucking on it, and biting into it."
Dr. Weil says, "chances are you will experience sensations in your mouth and salivation."

Such is the strength of the mind-body connection.

This type of visualization has been used successfully with conditions such as dermatitis, surgery recovery, and insomnia. Weil suggests using it for emotional well-being. He gave this exercise:
"Select an image that you associate with your most positive moods and focus on it frequently. For example, think of an actual place where you experienced contentment, comfort, and serenity. Re-create that scene in your mind's eye, and each time you do, concentrate on sharpening the detail, making the colors brighter, even imagining sounds, physical sensations, and scents that might have been part of the experience. Keep that image as a place you can go to in your mind whenever you feel stressed, anxious, or sad."
1Quotes are from Dr. Weil's new book, Spontaneous Happiness, in a section entitled, "Optimizing Well-Being By Retraining The Mind."


  1. This is really interesting! I missed it before. But it's really true! Can't you also get goosebumps by simply just *imagining* someone's fingernails scraping up a blackboard??!! Powerful reaction, yet it's not happening in actuality. Fascinating!

  2. Fingernails on a blackboard is a great example. I just winced.

  3. Today's young people may miss that blackboard reference, as so many schools now use shiny whiteboards w/ markers.
