Sunday, April 01, 2012

Whole Foods Almond Butter

Whole Foods store brand organic almond butter, a value at $18/pound:
"Our 365 Everyday Value® products can fill your pantry without emptying your pocketbook."

Photo: I took it today at Whole Foods.


  1. The non-organic almond butter to the left was $7.29/lb.

  2. But that's a ludicrous price. You can get organic almond butter for about the price of the non-organic if you shop elsewhere than Whole Foods; what a dreadful place. Or you can buy a lb of organic almonds & make your own almond butter for even less. Or make walnut butter or cashew butter (I can get a lb of organic, dry-roasted cashews or 1 lb of organic raw walnuts for ~$7.00 at Trader Joes.

  3. I love almond butter, haven't had it in awhile. Right now I couldn't justify spending almost 20 dollars on a jar of it, though...

  4. My cousin calls Whole Foods Whole Paycheck!

  5. Whole paycheck is right. That's insane.

  6. Whole Paycheck indeed. With health-insurance costs, who can afford a luxury like that?!
    Reporting back from Trader Joes--OK, their organic unsalted peanut butter is 3.99. Their non-organic almond butter is 4.29. A pound of organic raw walnuts is 6.49, and 12 oz. of organic almonds is 5.99. So if you wanted straight, organic almond butter, you would pay ~8.00 for a lb of organic almonds & grind them up yourself in a food processor--easy peasy. Or for 12.50, you could make almost 2 lb. of organic almond/walnut butter. Yummo & healthy.
    Did I mention that organic pasta sells there for $1.29 per lb. for white pasta and $1.39 per lb. for organic whole wheat pasta? That's about half what you'd pay for organic at the Giant.
    I wouldn't set foot in a Whole Foods.
