Saturday, April 14, 2012

Canned Whole Chicken

Tracy at I Hate My Message Board bought a canned whole chicken and chronicled her experience with these photos. (There are more on her site.)

This last one was her final product after 15 minutes in a 475 degree oven, which were the cooking instructions. Is it supposed to look like the chicken on the label?

Thank you, Tracy. In all my days I've never seen anything like this.


  1. lol at the kid just staring at the chicken

  2. OMG, it looks like a fetus. Unbelievably disgusting.

  3. When they said "whole" they sure did mean it. I was expecting parts, not an intact bird. That next-to-the-last photo did look like some kind of birthing. Not to be too macabre but it made me think of what humans, adult humans, would look like ... "canned whole human."

  4. At first I was excited about buying a cooked chicken in a can. You know how lazy I am, and how much bad food I eat. But after the last pic, I pass. LOL ;p peace

    Thank you, Jesus!
