Wednesday, March 14, 2012

High-Fat Diets Linked To Low Sperm Count

Dietary Fat And Semen Quality Among Men Attending A Fertility Clinic, Human Reproduction, 13 March 2012

The study involved 99 men.
"Men in the highest third of total fat intake had 43% lower total sperm count and 38% lower sperm concentration than men in the lowest third.

This association was driven by intake of saturated fats. Levels of saturated fatty acids in sperm were also negatively related to sperm concentration."
"The study found that the relationship between dietary fats and semen quality was largely driven by the consumption of saturated fats.

Men consuming the most saturated fats had a 35% lower total sperm count than men eating the least, and a 38% lower sperm concentration.

"The magnitude of the association is quite dramatic and provides further support for the health efforts to limit consumption of saturated fat given their relation with other health outcomes such as cardiovascular disease," said Prof Attaman [lead author]."
This was only an association; it does not show that high fat intake causes low sperm counts. Although, the authors state, "to our knowledge, this is the largest study to date examining the influence of specific dietary fats on male fertility."

1 comment:

  1. Something I found interesting ... if the sperm thermselves had a lot of saturated fat in them, it lowered the sperm concentration.

    So ... how do sperm get to have more saturated fat?
