Monday, March 05, 2012

Dog Playing Piano, Singing

What else could it be?



  1. Obviously the dog is playing a Arnold Schoenberg composition, and humming along a la Glenn Gould.

  2. Laughing.. That is one soulful dog, uninhibited too.

  3. I was laughing at the Gould reference. We have a cd of him playing Bach and if you listen closely you can hear him humming softly.

    I wasn't familiar with John Cage. I just looked him up. Is he like Philip Glass?

  4. Cage was even more modernist than Philip Glass--less musical, more just about sound (including ambient noise) or the absence of sound. I learned about him vis-a-vis post-1945 painting.

  5. Maybe the dog is singin' the blues. Did you see the White House Blues Fest? It was rerun on NJ public tv last night--really good, and fun!

  6. Here's a link to the whole blues show from the White House. It was so incongruous to hear all this blues music w/ portraits of Geo Washington, Martha, etc. in the background!

  7. I didn't see the blues show. But I did see a few clips of Obama singing. One was Al Green ... "I'm ... I'm so-o in love with you..." I couldn't stop singing it all day. Earworm that.
