Thursday, January 19, 2012

Slow-Motion Flight

From: International Professional Jury Sings Praises Of High-Speed Animal Films Made By Amateurs, Wageningen University, Netherlands

These videos are something else.  Flight suddenly appears quite the effort.  Of the video below, Judge and Philosopher Bas Haring said:
"My favourite was the seemingly peaceable film showing a group of birds foraging. Thanks to the high-speed camera work, you also see the harsh reality of the ongoing struggle between these so-called sweet birds."
Watch how they use their beaks as weapons.

Filmed by Liset Karman and Cees Keyer.

I also like this one. It's a little dark. Watch how the tit suspends itself in mid-air, as if it's taking a rest and re-orienting before the next flap. All practically invisible at speeds humans live in.

Filmed by Remco Brand and Ansa Fiaz.


  1. W/ my adolescent-boy sense of humor, I have to laugh at the title of the second video. How puerile of me!

  2. But they are very cool videos. I love the slo-mo of flight--fascinating!

  3. Did you see that dove in the second one poke its head around? LOL!

  4. Cool! These are great reference videos.

  5. Oh, flight!

    Claudia, that neck-stretch! I watched it again (and again and again). And in the first video (after I stopped gawking over the battle and hoping that little foot wasn't forever stuck to the feeder) I paid attention to the surroundings. Everyone kept eating! That one that came into view on the bottom right as the feeder turned, munching away, watching the brawl like it was a TV wrestling match.
