Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How Much Do Fruits and Vegetables Cost?

Talking about what to eat on a budget led me to this report by the USDA:

How Much Do Fruits and Vegetables Cost? (pdf), Economic Research Service of the USDA, February 2011

Processed fruits and vegetables weren't always more or less expensive than fresh. I saw that, for example, carrots were cheaper to eat fresh, but peaches were cheaper to eat canned.

  • Fresh 0.77/lb
  • Canned 0.69/lb
  • Frozen 1.19/lb
  • Fresh 0.25/cup
  • Canned 0.34/cup
  • Frozen 0.39/cup
  • Fresh 1.84/lb
  • Canned 1.05/lb
  • Fresh 0.66/cup
  • Canned 0.58/cup
Some graphs from the report (you can click them for better resolution):

So, the least expensive vegetables were potatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, and carrots. The least expensive fruits were watermelon, bananas, honeydew, oranges, and grapefruit. (Mangoes were cheaper than apples?)
Cabbage still life by Jonathan Koch. I'd love to see that in-person.

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