Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thank You

To all the people who read and comment and email, it has been a pleasure. You give so much - your thoughts, your feelings, your time. I appreciate it all. Every speck. Thank you.
Photo looking down the pipeline clearing one morning.


  1. Thanks for a great blog! It's so much needed. We dietitians and nutritionists tend to be too bland.

  2. You have great values and wisdom. These two are precious and rare gems, but also very delicate. The world is desperately seeking them, but only wonderful human beings know how to treat them. Nature has chosen you to carry that torch, among many others (that aren't so many); that's what makes you special. Thanks for sharing your gift with us in order to make this mess a better place.

  3. No, we would like to thank you instead for all of your wonderful and helpful posts. Where did you get this photo by the way? Did you take this photo personally? It's amazing, I have to say. I love it really. It just gives me hope the moment I saw it. Thanks again!

  4. I have to say ... blogging has taught me that there are a lot of really caring people in the world. Here is evidence.

  5. Many thanks for the blog and your time, Bix. I know it's very much appreciated by me and many others.


  6. (Yes, I took that photo. It's just the sun coming up across my neighbors' yards. I love the sunbeams. I didn't doctor the photo, that's exactly how it looked.)

  7. It is a truly gorgeous photo--quite magical.

  8. Re the pipeline, this is an example of the "industrial sublime"!
