Saturday, September 10, 2011

Great Tree Of Life

I just spent the last 20 minutes looking at this diagram so I thought I'd share it. It's called the Great Tree of Life. It's not completely accurate; it's just meant to illustrate "that we are related not only to every living thing, but also to every thing that ever lived."

I didn't know that birds evolved so recently.



  1. This is fascinating! That *tiny* little blip of geologic time, and the destruction we've managed to thrust on the earth, our home, during that tiny bit--astonishing.

  2. If you've seen one eukaryote, you've seen them all. :-)

  3. Melinda, I suspect this diagram will alienate some people.

    They describe how you can follow lines back to see the common ancestor. They gave an example of fish and humans, following their lines back to see their common ancestor lived ~440 million years ago (and was something along the lines of a salmon?) There's so much in this.

  4. Well, anyone w/ a lick of sense--like a biologist (such as my hub)--knows we go back to fish who eventually walked on land, etc. Not that Rick Perry's ancestors go back to fish, of course.... ;-)

  5. Looks like we're due for another mass extinction!
