Tuesday, September 06, 2011

CNN's "The Last Heart Attack"

The Last Heart Attack, CNN
Aired August 28, 2011

I was going to say this, but as I just saw, Gary Schwitzer said it well. (Correction - I should say that Gary's guests bloggers Marilyn Mann and Larry Husten said it well.):
Criticisms of CNN's "The Last Heart Attack"


  1. The health care protocol in the U.S. is test and then prescribe drugs. Surgery is used when drugs are insufficient. No consider for life style change (i.e. prevention: diet and exercise)is in the protocol. There is no profit in prevention. Testing and drugs are big money.

    The good thing about the CNN story is that President Clinton talks about his diet changes.

    When I investigate Dr. Joel Fuhrman plan for improved health, which essentially is a vegan diet, the major criticism is not that it doesn't work or its wrong. The critics think it will work. The criticism is that no one will want to follow his plan.

    We won't end heart attacks until prevention becomes the major piece of the healthcare protocol.

  2. Why not adopt the lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, stress, sleep, smoking, etc.) without getting the invasive and expensive tests? I saw someone on Gary's blog also said this.

    Interesting that Bill Clinton had a calcium scan years before his bypass.

  3. It is pretty common to hear this idea that nobody will want to follow a diet that will reverse heart disease. Does this mean that you shouldn't even mention it to patients? I think patients have a right to know that this option is out there. If they choose not to follow it, that's their choice, but at least they've been given the opportunity. Many patients will follow this kind of diet, especially when their health is in critical condition. The video on this page is just one example.
