Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Books - That is exactly how they work

What are you reading?


  1. I just finished "The Seed" by Jon Gordon and now I am into "Bossypants" by Tina Fey.

    I love the picture in today's post!

  2. I just got finished reading "Losing my Cool"


    I've got a nice stack of books sitting on the shelf waiting to be read. What I pick up tonight will depend on my mood.

    I just got done listening to: "1776"


    I'm currently listening to: "My Korean Deli"


    This list is a little misleading though. I still read a good deal of YA fiction too. But don't get me started on books; we could be here all day. . .


  3. I'm hoping to get some ideas. Just looked up The Seed and My Korean Deli ... great prospects.

    I just finished Four Fish by Paul Greenburg (loved it). Just started Eternity Soup by Greg Critser.

    (That poster ... if ever a picture was worth a thousand words...)

  4. Bix, have you read much Wendell Berry? I think you would like some of his stuff.

  5. Shaun, no, I haven't. Nothing longer than a page or two. From that, and your rec. I think I should add him to my list.

  6. the poster says it all.

    me, i'm on a toni morrison kick after reading "song of solomon". just finished "beloved", and on to "sula".

    several other books, mostly non-fiction, waiting to be finished...

  7. Just finished "Zest For Life: The Mediterranean Anti-Cancer Diet" by Conner Middelmann-Whitney.

    Next is....

    "Bringing Up Boys" by Dr. James Dobson.


  8. Alas, I only have time for my textbooks! I do miss reading though! I love that graphic, I will be stealing it for my blog, just so ya know! ha! ;) peace

  9. LOVE the poster! May steal it for FB, w/ credit to you of course! I heard a story re My Korean Deli on NPR--sounds great! My reading runs in 2 different directions--one is theological: currently reading Mark I. Wallace, _Finding God in the Singing River_,a book about religion, environmentalism, and pantheism. On the other hand read murder mysteries (usually British, often set in the Middle Ages) and some fantasy/sci-fi, esp. Terry Pratchett.

  10. Bill James' Crime Stories: Reflections on the Celebrtaion of Violence, in which he argues that crime stories are an important way fo rthe public to become involved in the questions facing our society.

    Plus it's got all these juicy true murder stories.

  11. What am I reading? A LOT of Internet Resources. Among some Steve Pavlina's blog of personal development, a blog called All Japanese All The Time (for language learning), posts in the Warrior Forum (to learn Internet Marketing), and some others... but you know what's funny? I've found information and insight in these resources that I would have NEVER found in a common paper book :) Also... I don't really think reading lots of fiction will help that kid to get out of the ghetto xD
