Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Anthony Hopkins: "I Lost Too Much."

Interesting. Many think he looks better in the before photo on the right. What do you think?

Left: Hopkins in 2009. Right: Hopkins in 2006:

Here's Hopkins talking to Cindy Adams:*
"For seven years I'm with my third wife, who's 18 years younger and a nurturer. I'm a loner. Very few friends. None actors. She has her Spanish lady friends around, and I love that. We have a ball. I'm not looking for women, but I do love the ladies."

"I lost too much, 75 pounds in two years. But I gained a little back in Europe. I was addicted to bread, cookies, whatnot. I love all the bad stuff. My wife's no dictator, but she said I must stick to a regimen. So I'm in the gym six days a week, I power walk, live on 800 calories a day. No pasta. No seconds. A sandwich occasionally. Now I'm a health nut. I can't get back into my wardrobe. I gave it all away to some mission. I tried tailoring the pants but they look ridiculous."
I wonder what he considers "bad stuff?" Other than bread, cookies, and pasta.
* I didn't know who Cindy Adams was. Wikipedia says she is a gossip columnist from New York City. (Again, New York City. Why not Dodge City? Why aren't we interested in Dodge gossip? Or Rapid City? Is there no dirty laundry in Rapid City? Okay, no offense.) Wikipedia also spoke of Adams' sudden unexplained disappearance from the pages of the New York Post last May. Just Gone. She resurfaced yesterday, via this column which essentially thanked Judge Judy and a team from New York-Presbyterian hospital for saving her life. Well, I'm glad you're back, Cindy Adams. I enjoyed this brief piece on Mr. Hopkins' weight fluctuation. I look forward to like nitty gritty. (The job of Gossip Columnist sounds fun. I guess you can't be the antisocial type, though.)

Photos from Huffington Post.


  1. You're back! How lovely. I've missed you Bix!

    RE: Anthony: I'd be curious to know what he starting weight was.

  2. Thanks, Autumn. Oh! By the way, I have a post coming up that reminds me of one of yours. Soon.

  3. He definitely looks better. It looks like he is more awake as a result of better circulation.

    800 calories seems a little extreme though.

  4. More awake, he does, doesn't he. And less puffy. Look at his hands in the before photo.

    Hopkins will be 73 this December. He looks great. I suspect there was some health issue that prompted him to lose weight.

  5. He looks healthier and more fashionable, now, but not as interesting.

    As for dirty laundry - it's somehow more fascinating when it's designed by Stella (McCartney) and Marc (Jacobs).
