Monday, March 29, 2010

Eating Organic Isn't The Answer

How to avoid eating food grown in sewage sludge? Eating organic is not an option for most people. Simply, there isn't enough to go around.

The USDA says organic farmland makes up less than 1% of total farmland and grazeland in the US.1,2

Telling people to eat organic is like telling 100 people at the bottom of a well that they can all get out safely if they grab onto the rope ... except there's only one rope and it can only hold one person.

It's not true that everyone can be saved if they would just eat organic food, as much as it comforts people to say that. Ropes, and organic food, are only for a privileged few.

The more realistic choice is to stop spreading sludge on cropland - to clean up the land that produces the food most of us eat. Even Michelle Obama's supposed organic garden is contaminated by high levels of lead owing to the spreading of sewage sludge (euphemistically packaged as organic fertilizer, such as Orgro®) from a nearby wastewater treatment plant.

The Netherlands and Switzerland ban the use of sludge on farmland. Food companies Heinz and Del Monte won't accept produce grown on sludge-treated land. Banning sludge on farmland is the right thing to do.
1 USDA: Farms And Land In Farms (932 million acres)
2 USDA: New USDA Data Offers In-Depth Look At Organic Farming (4 million acres)

ComPRO® and Orgro® are made from sewage sludge.

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