Wednesday, March 03, 2010


High levels of PCBs found in popular fish oil pills. Manufacturers sued for not disclosing. TwinLab, Nature Made, Now Foods, Solgar, GNC? Oh, boy. San Jose Mercury News, Lawsuit FAQ (Due to PCB's toxicity and ability to persist in the environment, Congress banned its production in 1979. One reason it persists is because it's fat-soluble. That's a reason it persists in our bodies too.)

Cheap cousin of aspirin, salsalate, lowers blood sugar in diabetes. It's not (so much) the fat, it's the inflammation. Chicago Sun-Times (I write about this for work. Nice to see it in the news.)

"If there were a medication you could take that would reduce stress, lower your blood pressure, reduce anxiety, increase your ability to focus, prevent disease and improve your quality of life would you take it? Well, there is no such drug, but research shows that meditation can help all of those things." - Mayo Clinic (I don't think you need an iPhone app. Did it really require 4 years of research to come up with it? Vivien Williams ... that voice! Still, meditation is a highly effective, under-appreciated, under-prescribed, cheap tool in the healthcare arsenal. Do you meditate?)


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