Thursday, October 15, 2009


Porridge. Whatever is lying around ... oats, barley, wheat, corn grits, quinoa, oat bran, rolled, whole, steel-cut, flaked.

This one is made from a slow-cooked mix of whole oats, rolled oats and oat bran that I cook in quantity and store in the fridge. The true "instant oats." I mixed some freshly cooked wheat flakes and ground flax seeds in this one. And salt. Love salt.
Photo: Bix


  1. I'm still enjoying steel cut oats. I may have to experiment with some other grains though. This has me intrigued.

    I like your quote on your header by the way. It's so very true.


  2. Looks delicious Bix. Great idea using flax. Lately I've been lazy, and found the appeal of extra thick rolled oats straight from the can into my cereal bowl. Add milk, walnuts, cinnamon, teaspoon brown sugar or real maple syrup, and anything else my heart desires. Beats buying heavily processed cereal. When cooking oats it's steel-cut all the way. Love the texture.

  3. How about that. I didn't think hot cereal was still making it, not in the US at least.

    Although those Bob's Red Mill hot cereals are all over the place these days.

    Re: quote. Oh ... I've eaten everything in the house while watching the potatoes boil.

  4. i do that too and depending on my need to eat sweet or tangy or savory , i make them for dinner ( sometimes breakfast and luch too) using garlic and ginger and greens like chard or so ... and fish as a side and a glass of wine. - makes a gourmet meal anytime :)
