Friday, September 11, 2009

Survivors Of Domestic Violence Can Be Denied Healthcare Coverage

"It is still legal in nine states for insurers to reject applicants who are survivors of domestic violence, citing the history of domestic violence as a pre-existing condition."
Coverage Denied: How The Current Health Insurance System Leaves Millions Behind,, August 2009
And ...
"A pre-existing condition does not have to be a serious disease like cancer or heart disease. Even relatively minor conditions like hay fever, asthma, or previous sports injuries can trigger high premiums or denials of coverage."
Thousands of people are arguing against changing these practices.


  1. I just watched Sicko. It covers pre-existing conditions. In all other developed countries no one has to worry about being denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions.

  2. I should watch it. Serenity now.

  3. I wish more was said by the media how other countries deal with healthcare. Netherlands and the Swiss, have apparently pioneered a market based health care system. Interesting how they deal with non compliance.

  4. This sounds a lot like Medicare Part C, the Medicare Advantage Plans, where you pay premiums to private insurers, with networks of physicians, varying coverage, etc.

    The noncompliance issues - I saw similar forms of persuasion? (penalties) in getting people to sign up for the new Part D. The regular Part B also issues penalties for lack of enrollment.

  5. The domestic violence is very faux pas in my opinion. It deteriorates all the peace of your home. It dilapidates the surroundings of around us. The diurnal altercation in home, mainly towards the fair sex is normally that has been coming for ages. The softer sex is the chronic victim of violence. There is adage that the world of men. The male is a protagonist and the female is a server. And the male is taking advantage of it because he is brawny. And the female is fragile, it is said the weaker sex is give vent to its purport the word is "weak" is adjacent. But the men must know sans female there is no existence of lads. The softer sex is the complement for masculines.
