Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Obesity, American, 1998-2008

Source: Battle Of The Bulge, Economist, July 2009.


  1. A related article http://bit.ly/ek4k3 asks why the geographical differences. It gives some suggestions, and although I don't think they came to any real conclusion it gets the thought process going. Have you seen any convincing arguments as to why it seems to be worse in certain areas of the country?

  2. The picture made be loose my appetite. Perhaps it can help us loose weight.

  3. Good Time article, shaun. They summed up many of the reasons I know. There's another. I'll post about it.

  4. Quite amazing. I'd say a good half or more of the customers we get at my plant nursery/farmers' market are considerably overweight. A few years ago, Philly and Memphis were the two fattest cities in the country--that may have changed by now.
