Thursday, February 26, 2009

February Morning

The sun's slipping in earlier these days.

Photo: Bix


  1. What a gorgeous photo! You really have an eye!
    Wanted to send you a link to Barry Estabrook's latest Politics of the Plate, but it's not online yet. It's called "The Price of Tomatoes," in the March 2009 print version of Gourmet. It's a truly shocking expose of the enslavement--real, true, brutal slavery--of migrant pickers in south Florida tomato fields (eg, Immokalee, near Naples). Anytime you buy a winter tomato from Florida (and Mexico is even worse), you may well be buying a product of modern-day slavery. I don't know if it includes organic tomatoes or not. But Whole Foods is the only major chain to sign a pledge, with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers Campaign for Fair Food, to buy only slave-free fruits.

  2. Here's a link to the CIW website. I'm still deeply shocked and wonder how many other winter crops are produced under similar circs.

  3. Just discovered the Estabrook article embedded within the CIW website:
    It's really worth reading. So much for abolition in this country.

  4. Thanks, Melinda, for the eye and the article :)
    I'm reading it now...

  5. Oh brother. The price for cheap food.
