Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tom Vilsack For USDA Secretary?

Obama Picks Vilsack As Agriculture Secretary

Iowa Governor, 1998-2006
Iowa State Senator, 1992-1998
Mayor, Mount Pleasant, Iowa, 1987-1992
Native of Pittsburgh, PA

Law degree, Albany Law School, 1975
Registered Democrat
Campaigned for Hillary Clinton for President
  • Supports biotechnology and genetic engineering, especially for commodity crops (corn, soy, wheat, rice, cotton). Was named Governor of the Year in 2001 by Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), one of the largest and most influential pro-genetic engineering lobbies.
  • Has supported the cloning of dairy cows.
  • Has argued that agricultural policy should focus on production of renewable energy, notably ethanol. The use of corn and soy for fuel drives up the price of food and contributes to world hunger.
  • Yet ... has argued to cut subsidies for commodity crops and channel the money toward improving environment?
  • Jennifer Donahue, Vilsack's fellow teacher at Harvard's Institute of Politics, says that Vilsack deserves the nomination because he's a nice guy and he lets her call him "Tom."

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