Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Melamine In Organic Soymeal And Baking Powder

France Recalls Tainted Soymeal
"ALMOST 300 tonnes of soymeal from China, used to feed organic poultry in western France, were taken off the market on Friday after testing positive for a toxic chemical.

The soymeal contained melamine - the chemical at the heart of a scandal in China over contaminated milk - 50 times over the recommended limit."
The European Union (EU) is also testing baking powder:
EC Bans Chinese Imports Of Infant Food Containing Soya And Soya Products On Melamine Fears
"The EC also confirmed that all consignments of baking powder from China are to be tested upon entry into the EU after high levels of melamine were discovered in ammonium bicarbonate."
The EU is concerned about other imported soy products:
"In 2007, the EU imported about 68,000 tonnes of various soya products or products containing soya for a total value of about EUR 34 million. The list includes products such as soya beans, soya bean flour and meal, soya sauce and protein concentrates and textured protein substances."
Just what does "organic" mean these days?

Someone needs to check soy-based protein supplements in this country. I have strong suspicions.

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